OAHPA! Vocabulary
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In the OAHPA! vocabulary we have also collected the words from the following textbooks:
- Davvin 1-4
- Sárá ja su ustibat
- Bures, bures fas
- Oaidnalit
- Romssa universitehta SAM-1031 kompendium
- Helmi Länsman: Cealkka dearvvuođat 1-4
- Ante Aikio kompendium
The user can choose to work with words from a specific topic or textbook, in Leksa and in Morfa-S.
The vocabulary is used actively in our programs, but in Vasta and Sahka the user may use more words. The program then uses a lexicon with appr. 100.000 words (among them appr. 40.000 names).
Below you will find wordlists for nouns, verbs and adjectives, ordered alphabetically. These may be used for teaching in different ways, and then the pupils may test their skills in Morfa and Leksa afterwards. The files are stored in Word format, for ease of manipulation. The division is approximately as in Leksa, but Leksa accepts more translations than what is included in the lists. The number of lists will be enlarged.