Verb derivation

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Derivation is a process with which you can easily expand your vocabulary. By taking adjectives, nouns or verbs and combining them with certain suffixes you can create new verbs with a meaning affiliated to that of the original word. Take te adjective xxx 'xxx' as an example: By adding a suffix we can form the xxx verb xxx 'xxx'.

The derived verbs are declined in infinite or finite forms, just as other verbs are. The inflectional endings are added after the derivational suffix.

Deverbal verbs

We will start by explaining how to form new verbs out of already existing ones. By doing this, you can achieve a slight change in meaning. To make it clearer, let us have a look at the example verb xxx 'xxx'. With the help of derivational suffixes we can create new verbs which are in some way connected to the original word:

  • xxx 'xxx'
  • xxx 'xxx'

Note that some derivational suffixes are attached to the strong, other to the weak consonant stem of a verb.

These were the most important and mostly used endings and rules for verb derivation in Skolt Sámi. They can help you form new verbs out of already existing words.

Here you can read more about verbs in general .

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